But there has been so much that I have had to do that I haven't been able to get out into it. You know what that means don't you - WEEDS! A few days ago I was pruning the hedges in the front. I'm also pruning away some of the weeds that are around the house as well and as you can well imagine if you don't take care of them the weeds grow and grow - which is what they did! They even managed to find a crack and grow through it so that there was growth INSIDE the windows! The weeds are growing so tall that they are starting to reach my second story window! As the weeds continue to grow their branches get thicker which makes them harder to cut!
I have a lot of work ahead of me! It's been so hot and humid that I haven't been out as much and then it starts to rain which makes the weeds grow more! But I am determined to have a Martha Stewart-like atmosphere - you know with the birdbath (already got one of those) and the windchimes (got a set of them (sharks) hanging already) and just have a pleasant little outside area - with a garden!
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