I have this oh-so-terrible pet peeve about the most latest and "newest" TV Guide! Remember back when it was shaped like this little fat book and it had the TV listings? But more importantly it had a description of the shows and what the episode was about. I hate the newest version. It looks like a big glossy magazine and they have forgone much of the tv listing descriptions in favor of glitzy articles on the celebrities.
Maybe I just need to get more of a life but in the past I had looked forward to get my latest TV Guide and settling in and circling which programs I was going to either watch or videotape. Since my hours aren't normal "9 to 5" hours I pretty much wanted to know my TV options well in advance.
You can't do that with this latest version of TV Guide!
I give it a big thumbs down!
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9 years ago
I agree 100%. I used to have a subscription to TV Guide but I would never renew it with the way they changed it.
BTW nice to see that you added photos to your previous post.
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only person that feels this way about the new TV Guide! It used to be like the house bible and we would all fight over who could have it at the time! I even think there was a time where we had bought 2 TV Guides just to keep the peace!
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