Well I have been jealous seeing people just whip out their cellphones and start talking. I see them using their cellphones everywhere! Including at the grocery store and on the bus and even walking down the street!
I have to preface this by saying that my credit is not all that hot! So I had to get on one of those prepay plans where I pay a certain amount every month. If I don't make the payment in time then I won't be able to use the cellphone.
But like I said this is my first cellphone so its kind of like having a new shiny toy! At least my credit rating was good enough to get a cellphone that isn't one of those prepaid ones. Besides being able to make and receive calls I was surprised to find out that I can also go online with this cellphone - of course there is a fee for this! And one thing I insisted on was having a camera phone - although I'm still trying to successfully transfer the pictures to my email address.
One dis-heartening thing that I found out was that this particular model cellphone doesn't allow for ringtones outside the ones that you have to pay for! I recorded part of a song that I would love to use as a ringtone but I found out that I can't! )-:
There has got to be a way for me to do this and I'm still trying to figure how!
I also have to be careful of my "minutes" and now I know why people are always talking about their "minutes". My nighttime and weekend minutes carry over to the next month but not my daytime minutes.I'm also learning about this "battery" business. Silly me - I thought that cellphones used regular batteries but I found out that they don't and that the kind of battery that cellphones used have to be recharged - at least I got the charger as part of the whole package!
So with the exception of not being able to use the ringtones that I want and still trying to figure out how to transfer the pictures from my camera phone - I'm kind of having fun with my new "toy".
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