And I found out that while the water is slowly draining down the clog the pipe in the basement is pretty much rusty to a fault! So far I have duck-taped it hoping that THAT will help.
The piping system probably needs an overhaul but I want to take my time with this and get someone reliable to do the job - plus I have to set aside a budget for it.
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9 years ago
3 weeks ago I realized I had $9,500 in my "mommy money" account.
With it I wanted to pay half the property taxes and take a weekend away (yes property taxes are THAT high).
We had a little back up so I called the plumber who arrived to do a $90 rooter and left with a $5,200 check from my "mommy money".
We needed a new sewage line to the curb.
The following day I noticed a little brown spot on the ceiling. $4,000 later to the roofer for half a new roof.
There is a little less than $300 in the "mommy money" account and the property taxes will need to be paid on April 10th from our regular money.
I guess I'll play a round of golf and suck it up, knowing that I'm building equity every day I live here.
Oh I know the feeling! But you know I still wouldn't trade it for living in an apartment. I love my house - flaws and all!
Property taxes are a trip! Aren't they! We get 2 different ones every year - one property taxes and the other school taxes and and my property taxes aren't that far from the amount you pay in property taxes -
But thanks for that reminder of the "building equity" part - that's a good thing to remember when I'm feeling the "house-repairs" blues...........
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