Don't get me wrong I love my older house but when its windy outside you can feel it inside. I don't know why but the kitchen gets the coldest. Again I don't know why? The back door has one of those "slips" underneath the bottom and the windows have no areas where the wind is coming in. Unfortunately there is a hold in the wall closer to the diningroom so that might be one of the reasons. I want to patch it myself so I'm going to have to learn more about that. Another contributing factor could be the radiator. There was a time when the kitchen had no radiator at all and the new one that was installed is smaller than the regular cast iron radiators. I have been told that a difference can be felt but I can't feel it. Maybe I blocked it out?
This is the beginning of March and the warmer weather should be coming soon so that gives me some time to plan what I am going to do.
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