Friday, October 22, 2004

The Telephone - A story....

So 2 days ago the phone stopped working. Well I can't call the phone company (Verizon) because the phone doesn't work. My neighbor called them for me. So the soonest they could come out was two days later and they informed me that an "in-house" service call would be $91! I still wanted to keep the appointment hoping that the problem would be on their end. Guess what? It was! It seems that a box of theirs had some damaged/cut wires.

Monday, October 11, 2004


Oh I forgot to mention that I do have a garden. One of the benefits of living in a house. As much as I enjoy gardening I didn't get a chance to tend to it this year because of work but I definitely will next season. For right now I have to clear the ground because the weeds have grown so much. I don't mind doing this so much as long as I'm in the mood for it. I can even enjoy it at times and its great for relaxation - if you do it right. There are a lot of first time gardeners that get frustrated too soon because they try to do too much at one time and get frustrated.

If you can manage to have one gardening is a great thing to do. I had planted strawberries one time and I used to go out in the morning and pick them, wash them off, put sugar on top of them and let them sit in the refridgerator for a few hours and have them for dessert for lunch or dinner.

I also plant herbs as well. Garlic chives grow great in my area.

Of course there's a lot of weeding to do and there are bugs but I do like collecting/storing rainwater for when the weather is dry and I can use the rainwater to water the garden. Rainwater is the best to use for this.

So if you can manage it I would highly recommend having a garden!

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Fireplace! I would love to have one or two.....

It's getting chillier now and one of the things that I would LOVE to have is a fireplace! One downstairs and one upstairs. The room where my computer is quite small so I don't know where I could put it but I would mind having one in my bedroom.

Anything is possible and I do sort of have a fireplace plan - so who knows - maybe I will be able to have one after all! Just have to plan for it which I already have done.